Universal Marimba Solo Competition 
Universal Marimba Duo Competition 
Universal Marimba Composition Competition
International Marimba Youth Competition  


Embark your career and take your chance at the world's leading Marimba Competition.

The prestigious Universal Marimba Competition, located in the heart of Europe, and acclaimed as the leading Competition, gathers the marimba around the globe and foster cross cultural understanding.
It has been dedicated with success to promote the popularization and development of the marimba arts, sparing no efforts in supporting leading artists and the prize winning laureates. Unique in the World, the Competition offers aside Marimba Solo also the disciplines Marimba Duo, Marimba Chamber music, Marimba Composition and Marimba Youth.

This event is set as a  biennial music celebration continuously inviting for the festival top acts and brilliant artistry. The competition received since 2011 the High Patronage of Her Majesty Queen Paola, a Royal honor for the first time presented to a marimba competition worldwide. The competition welcomed during past editions over 850 candidates from all continents presenting each edition as jury and performing festival artists a topflight of world leading artists. The Competitions' worldwide leading role is reflected by the past edition's offered prizes (with a value for each edition up to 70.000 Euro) and the established endorsed artist contracts resulted in further embarking careers of the passed laureates and their presence nowadays as leading marimbists of the new generation. It is with proud to witness their international artistic growth, recognition and presence. No doubt that this ground-breaking event keeps marking internationally a brand new milestone of the marimba, providing an inspirational stage for top performers and candidates and presenting all visitors a unique music experience.

Since the long Covid intermission and our last live edition in 2017, we are thrilled to announce that the Universal Marimba Competition SOLO & DUO will be back live from October 28th till November 3rd, 2024. In addition, the Universal Competition will hold the 8th edition of the Competition composition and the international Percussion Youth Competition's 4th edition, aiming to keep discovering, promoting and supporting young talent and composers. Notice that it is decided that the Youth Competition will only hold from 2024 the discipline Marimba, as the competition mainly focus to support and to develop the marimba performing and pedagogic arts. Notice that for the Universal Marimba Competition; the discipline Marimba Chamber music will be hold again quadrennial during the edition 2026. We hope you all will feel inspired to join us in October 2024. We will look forward to meet you all in the beautiful acoustic Academic Hall Sint-Truiden, known abroad since 2001, as the Competition's residence.   


The Universal Marimba Competition focus to the individual taste, style, skill, tone production and musical artistry of the candidates. 

Universal Marimba Competition Belgium 2024
Marimba Solo / Marimba Duo / Marimba Youth
A discovery of musical highlights and surprises.
Support all candidates from around the world and watch the Live streaming.
Wishing the best luck to all the candidates. Welcome to all visitors.


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